BN to unveil Women’s manifesto tonight

Women are prioritised under the Barisan Nasional government and this has been proven when 70 per cent of the BN Manifesto initiatives benefit women.
Their promises from the 13th General Election (GE13) in empowering women participation in all levels have been fulfilled as they have reached the target of 30 per cent of women in decision-making positions, ensured women as Board Members equipped with the necessary technical skills and knowledge through the women directors’ programme, encouraged employers to implement flexible working hours and ‘career comeback’ as initiatives for women to return to work, and established nurseries at the work place among others.
BN continues with their agenda to empower women in GE14 with the unveiling of the BN Women’s manifesto tonight at Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) at 8.15pm, which can be watched on Facebook Live on Barisan Nasional Official Facebook page.
Among the key highlights can be found in the infographics below. – MD


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